Privacy Policy

This Policy applies to Hypershell products or services including Hypershell Everyday Adventure Exoskeleton and Hypershell APP provided by Hypershell Co., Ltd (Domicile: Building 3, Zhangjiang Microelectronics Port, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, hereinafter referred to as "Hypershell" or "We/us/our" only. )

Last updated: April 22, 2024.

This Policy will help you understand:

Acknowledging the importance of your personal data, we are committed to ensuring its security and reliability to the best of our abilities. We understand the importance of maintaining your trust and confidence in us. As such, we have established a set of principles that guide us in safeguarding your data. These principles include upholding the values of lawfulness, fairness, and transparency, as well as adhering to principles of purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, confidentiality, and accountability. In line with developed security standards in the industry, we pledge to take appropriate security measures to protect your data.

Please carefully read and understand this Policy before using our products or services.

I. How we collect and use your data

As you use Hypershell products or services, we will collect and use the information that you offer for using such services or which results from such services in the ways below:

a. When you sign up for an account, we will ask you to provide certain details, such as your email address, password, nationality, and age. Your email address and password are collected to facilitate smooth account registration, enable you to utilize Hypershell products or services, and ensure the security of your account. Additionally, we may use your email address to communicate important updates and send essential notifications. The nationality information you provide helps us accurately assign you to the appropriate regional servers, ensuring fair access. Similarly, the age information collected assists us in determining whether you fall under the category of children as defined in our Policy (please refer to the "How we process children's data" section for further information).

b. To ensure that we offer our users the best possible product recommendations, we kindly ask for biological gender, height, and weight information. Rest assured, this information is used exclusively to determine the most suitable product size, including adjustments for hip size, to enhance your overall experience. Your privacy and comfort are our utmost priority, and we value the trust you place in us.

c. Additionally, if you wish, you have the option to provide waist circumference and hip width measurements. While this information is not mandatory for using Hypershell products or services, it significantly contributes to enhancing the accuracy of your account data and optimizing the performance of our products or services. It's important to note that providing this information is entirely voluntary, and declining to do so will not affect the functionality of our services in any way. Your comfort and satisfaction remain our top priority, and we respect your choices.

d. Although it's not required to provide a nickname and avatar when using Hypershell products or services, we strongly encourage you to consider doing so. Adding this information can significantly enhance the integrity of your account data, personalizing your experience and fostering a sense of community within our platform. Your nickname and avatar are opportunities to express yourself and connect with others, enriching your overall interaction with our products and services.

e. While you're enjoying Hypershell products or services, we may collect and utilize various data points, including your device model, firmware version, login IP address, Hypershell software and product versions, as well as log information such as operating data and service-related issues. Additionally, we may collect your Hypershell product serial number. Rest assured, this data collection is aimed at enhancing your overall service experience, ensuring the security of your account, and continuously improving and optimizing our services. Your privacy and security are our top priorities, and we handle your information with the utmost care and responsibility.

f. Our Hypershell+ app may collect general coarse location information(such as town, city, country, or region) derived from your IP address. Additionally, the app will request your precise location information through GPS for the Bluetooth connection feature to function. For example, to enhance Bluetooth connection stability and ensure optimal discovery of your Hypershell device, Hypershell+ requires access to your precise location for improved searching and connecting to Bluetooth devices.

i. We will always ask your permission in accordance with your mobile device settings before we collect or use precise location information and in accordance with any applicable legal requirements to the extent precise geolocation information is considered "sensitive" information under applicable law.

ii. When the app is closed, Hypershell+ will not collect or use your precise location, as efficient searching and connection have been established.

g. We may also provide you with tailored recommendations for relevant content, products, or services based on your data. With your consent, we'll send you captivating product or service updates, and invite you to participate in our activities, including promotions, market surveys, or satisfaction surveys.

II. How we store your data

1.Storage location

Hypershell products and services are accessible globally, which means that the servers used to process your data may be located outside of your country or region. In such cases, we are committed to taking all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure that your collected data is processed in accordance with this Policy and relevant laws. Your privacy and data protection are of utmost importance to us, and we uphold stringent measures to safeguard your information, regardless of where it is processed.

We are committed to selecting storage locations that prioritize your interests and benefits when storing your data. This includes information such as your email address, password, nationality, age, gender, height, weight, nickname, date of birth (DoB), human body parameters (including waist circumference and hip width), login IP address, device model, firmware version, Hypershell software version, Hypershell product version, log information, Hypershell product serial number, and more. Our goal is to ensure that your data is stored in locations that optimize security, accessibility, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, thereby safeguarding your privacy and enhancing your overall experience with our products and services.

2.Storage period

In general, we will only retain your data for the duration necessary to fulfill its intended purposes and as required by applicable laws and regulations. Here are two examples:

Regarding your email address, we will retain this information for as long as necessary to facilitate your ongoing use of Hypershell products or services. Upon cancellation of your Hypershell account, we will adhere to legal requirements by deleting relevant information unless there is a legal obligation to retain it for a longer period.

In the event that our products or services become inactive or unused, we will notify you through push notifications or announcements. Subsequently, we will take steps to delete or anonymize your data within a reasonable timeframe.

These measures are in place to ensure the responsible management of your personal information and to uphold our commitment to transparency and compliance with applicable regulations.

III. How we protect your data

We spare no effort in safeguarding your data security to prevent any loss, misuse, falsification, unauthorized access, or disclosure.

To ensure information security within reasonable safety limits, we implement multiple security protection measures. For example, we utilize encryption, de-identification, and anonymization techniques to protect your data.

We have established unique management systems, operating procedures, and organizational structures dedicated to ensuring the security of personal data. Access to data is strictly restricted, and individuals with access are required to adhere to a duty of confidentiality.

In the event of a breach of personal data or any other security incident, we activate emergency plans and implement remedial actions to prevent the situation from escalating. We also fulfill our legal obligations by reporting and notifying relevant authorities and individuals affected by the incident.

While we do everything within our power to protect your data, it's important to acknowledge that no security measures are infallible. We remain committed to continuously enhancing our security practices to mitigate risks and protect your information to the best of our ability.

IV. How we share your data

We unequivocally affirm that we will not sell your data to any third party under any circumstances. Furthermore, we hold our partners and third-party organizations to strict standards that align with the provisions governing the use and protection of the information we provide.

However, there are specific situations in which we may share your data with a third party, including:

1. In our ongoing efforts to enhance user experience, we are integrating third-party SDKs into the app. These may include popular sign-in options such as Google, Apple, and Facebook accounts. We believe that this integration will provide our users with a more seamless and convenient experience while using the app. However, it's important to note that HyperShell may not have complete control over these third-party entities.

2. As part of our commitment to business continuity and growth, we may undergo mergers, spin-offs, or other transactions. If such transactions involve the transfer of personal data, we will promptly inform you of the relevant circumstances and continue to safeguard your data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We will ensure that the new data processor adheres to the standards outlined in this Policy or requires them to do so, maintaining the same level of protection for your information.

It is our priority to ensure the privacy and security of your data, and we remain committed to upholding these principles in all aspects of our operations and partnerships.

V. How to delete account

We take your privacy and data security very seriously. Before logging out your account, please read the following information:

a. You can delete your account through the "Avatar" - "Account Security" - "Delete Account"path.

b. After delete your account, your personal information will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered..

c. Your account data will be cleared, including but not limited to personal profile, history data, etc.

d. You will no longer be able to log in to our services using your current account.

VI. Your rights

Where applicable laws require, you have the right to withdraw your consent for us to process your data at any time. However, it's important to note that withdrawing your consent will not affect the legality or effectiveness of our processing of your data with your consent prior to the withdrawal, nor will it impact our processing of your data based on other legitimate and justified grounds. We are committed to ensuring transparency and compliance with data protection regulations, and we respect your right to control the use of your personal information.

a. The right to access: You have the right to request copies of your data from us.

b. The right to rectification: You have the right to request corrections to any information you believe is inaccurate or incomplete.

c. The right to erasure: You have the right to request the erasure of your data under certain conditions.

d. The right to restrict processing: You have the right to request restrictions on the processing of your data under certain conditions.

e. The right to object to processing: You have the right to object to our processing of your data under certain conditions.

f. The right to data portability: You have the right to request the transfer of your collected data to another organization or directly to yourself under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:

As a principle, we do not charge fees for processing your reasonable requests. However, for requests that are repetitive or beyond reasonable limits, we reserve the right to charge fees as appropriate. Additionally, we may decline requests that are groundlessly repetitive, unrealistic, require excessive technical resources, or jeopardize the legitimate rights or interests of others. Our aim is to ensure fairness and efficiency in handling requests while safeguarding the rights and interests of all parties involved.

VII. How we process children's data

We place the highest priority on safeguarding children's data. While the definition of children may vary based on local laws and customs, we define anyone under the age of 16 as a child. As such, individuals under 16 years old may not be able to register for a Hypershell account. This measure is taken to ensure compliance with regulations and to protect the privacy and security of young users.

Young users aged 16 to 18 years old are permitted to register a Hypershell account but are required to operate under adult supervision. This policy is implemented to ensure that individuals in this age group receive guidance and oversight while using our services, thereby promoting their safety and well-being online.

VIII. How this Policy would be updated

We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy as necessary. In the event of any significant changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you of the updated version through push notifications, pop-ups, or other appropriate means in accordance with legal requirements when you log in. Additionally, we will indicate the updated version number for your reference. We will also maintain prior versions of this Policy for your review and reference. Our goal is to ensure transparency and keep you informed about any changes that may affect your privacy rights and obligations.

Ⅸ. How to contact us

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions regarding any aspect of this Policy, or if you wish to exercise your data protection rights or inquire about the data we hold on you, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you. Typically, we aim to respond to your inquiries within one month of receiving your request. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are committed to addressing any concerns you may have in a timely and efficient manner.

Email us at:

or write to us at:

Room 306, Building 3, Zhangjiang Microelectronics Port, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

If you feel that your concern has not been addressed satisfactorily or if you wish to report a complaint, you have the option to contact your local data protection office. They will assist you further and provide guidance on how to proceed with your complaint. Your privacy and satisfaction are important to us, and we encourage you to reach out to the relevant authorities if needed.